Evaluating corn germination helps to understand the current situation for various management zones and different fields. Wide swings in soil temperature and/or ponding, saturated soils can stop the germination process and set up replant situations. Actively growing seeds should have visible growing tissue, such as the spike and seed roots, within 3 to 7 days after planting.
The following growing degree units (GDU) calculator link can help local growth tracking: www.greencastonline.com/growing-degree-days/home.
Farmers are encouraged to start checking fields when 80 GDUs have accumulated after planting. Corn plants typically spike from 80 to 120 GDUs. If plants have not emerged by 140 GDUs, there is likely a serious stand issue at play.
When working with the soil, always wear personal protective gloves and shoes to limit herbicide and insecticide exposure. Contact your Golden Harvest Seed Advisor with questions or for additional agronomic insights.
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