Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label and bag tag instructions; only those labeled as tolerant to glufosinate may be sprayed with glufosinate ammonium-based herbicides.
® and the Water Droplet logo are registered trademarks of BASF. HERCULEX
® and the HERCULEX Shield are trademarks of Corteva Agriscience LLC. HERCULEX Insect Protection technology by Corteva Agriscience LLC.
No dicamba may be used in-crop with seed with Roundup Ready
® Xtend Technology, unless and until approved or specifically permitted, and no dicamba formulations are currently registered for such use in
the 2025 season. Please follow https://www.roundupreadyxtend.com/pages/xtendimax-updates.aspx for status updates. See product labels for details and tank mix partners.Golden Harvest
® soybean varieties
are protected under granted or pending U.S. variety patents and other intellectual property rights, regardless of the trait(s) within the seed. The Enlist E3
® soybean, LibertyLink
®, LibertyLink
® GT27
®, Roundup Ready 2
Xtend®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield
® and XtendFlex
® soybean traits may be protected under numerous United States patents. It is unlawful to save soybeans containing these traits for planting or transfer to others for use as a
planting seed. NOT ALL formulations of dicamba, glyphosate or glufosinate are approved for in-crop use with products with XtendFlex
USES AND APPROVED FOR SUCH USE IN THE STATE OF APPLICATION. Contact the U.S. EPA and your state pesticide regulatory agency with any questions about the approval status of dicamba herbicide products for in-crop
use with products with XtendFlex
® Technology. Only 2,4-D choline formulations with Colex-D® Technology are approved for use with Enlist E3
® soybeans. Enlist E3
® soybean technology is jointly developed with Corteva
Agriscience LLC and M.S. Technologies, L.L.C. The Enlist trait and Enlist Weed Control System are technologies owned and developed by Corteva Agriscience LLC. Enlist
® and Enlist E3
® are trademarks of Corteva Agriscience
LLC. GT27® is a trademark of M.S. Technologies, L.L.C. and BASF. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend
®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield
®, XtendFlex
® and YieldGard VT Pro
® are registered trademarks used under license from the Bayer Group.
Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.