Notice stippling on upper leaf surfaces and bronzing on lower leaf surfaces as a result of spider mite pressure. Photos by Golden Harvest Seed Advisor Aimee Geurink, 2017.
When experiencing a stretch of hot and dry weather, it’s likely a good idea to think about scouting for spider mites. Soybean damage from spider mites is usually first observed near field borders or grassy areas within fields. To check for spider mites, simply pull up some of the affected plants, shake them over a white piece of paper, and wait for about 30 seconds. If spider mites are present, you will see what looks like small grains of sand move on the paper. These are the mites. Another sign mites are present is minute webbing on the underside of the discolored leaves.
If the weather remains hot and dry, spraying to control these spider mites is highly recommended. Though insecticides usually knock down the populations quickly, some insecticides allow for the mites to flare back up quickly, too. A miticide is specifically designed to control mites.
ManagementAgri-Mek® SC miticide/insecticide offers exceptional mite and insect control on soybeans. With its extended residual control and tank-mix convenience, Agri-Mek SC provides a reservoir of protection. Apply when spider mites are first observed and repeat as needed while maintaining a sound resistance management program. Good soybean foliage coverage is essential for controlling spider mites.
Crop yield is most affected when infestations start during the early growing season and are left untreated, allowing the infection to continue to build. In some cases, spider mite infestations are so severe that an entire soybean field is affected, pod fill is poor and seeds are even aborted. Contact your
Golden Harvest Seed Advisor with questions or for additional agronomic insights.
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