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Enogen® Feed Corn Hybrids Unlock Energy For Feedlot

Categories: LIVESTOCK FEED MANAGEMENT, Harvest, Planning, CORN

For farmers looking to improve the profit potential of their feedlot or dairy operation, selecting a hybrid that provides value in the field and in feed is key.

Enogen® Feed corn hybrids unlock the energy potential of feedlot or dairy rations, and energy is key to maximizing beef or dairy production. Corn is an important energy source for cattle because it supplies starch, which is converted to sugar during digestion. Enogen Feed hybrids help convert starch to sugar more efficiently during digestion, resulting in more available energy to cattle and ultimately greater profit potential for feedlot and dairy operations.

Enogen Feed hybrids offer a step-change in starch and sugar availability. 

In the field, Enogen Feed corn performs equal to or better than other high-performing hybrids1 with no additional agronomic management challenges2, unlike some silage-specific hybrids. Additionally, it offers producers the flexibility to chop for silage or harvest for grain.

Incorporating Enogen Feed corn hybrids into your operation is as easy as replacing the corn or silage you currently grow and feed. Contact your Golden Harvest Seed Advisor for more information on Enogen Feed corn hybrids.

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1Syngenta production data from over 350,000 Enogen acres, 2012-2015
2Growers must comply with specific yet simple stewardship requirements


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